Digital Credentials

Workplace Skills Digital Credentials

Here you will find the Workplace Skills Digital Credentials offered on SkillsBuild for Students. Click any digital credential to see more information and add it to your queue.

Professional Skills


This badge earner understands key skills for professional success and core soft skills needed in the information technology workforce. This knowledge of skills and behaviors includes creating and delivering presentations; using agile approaches for working professionally to deliver quality work and experiences to customers; collaborating effectively with teams; communicating with impact; dealing with challenges in a controlled and focused manner; and solving problems and implementing solutions.



Job Application Essentials

This badge earner demonstrates a strong understanding of how to position themself effectively for their first job opportunity. The individual knows how to build a strong, professional social media and online presence; how to conduct thorough and effective workplace research personalized to their interests and skills; and how to create a strong entry-level resume, even without any prior work experience. The earner has also practiced interviewing professionally.



Explorations into Mindfulness


This badge earner understands mindfulness concepts and techniques and has learned how to apply mindfulness practices for various situations. The individual understands how to further develop focus and self-awareness. Badge earners can use these skills as a foundation for further study in mindfulness and to apply mental and emotional management in any career path they choose.




Wellbeing Academy for Students


Badge earners have developed an understanding of wellbeing concepts and have learned techniques to further develop focus and self-awareness in their personal wellbeing. Individuals also have an awareness of the issues that impact the wellbeing of others. Badge earners can use these skills as a foundation for further study in their wellbeing and mindfulness, and to apply coping skills in their everyday life and in any career path they choose.



Agile Explorer


Agile Explorer badge earners have a foundational understanding of the Agile values, principles, and practices that help change culture and behaviors in the way that people work. These individuals can initiate an Agile conversation with team members and colleagues and can apply the Agile method to the operations and programs work that they do in a family, academic, or work environment.



Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner


The earner has acquired knowledge of applying Enterprise Design Thinking and its value. As a practitioner, the badge earner finds opportunities to try it out in their everyday work.



Enterprise Design Thinking Co-Creater


As a Co-Creator, the badge earner is an active contributor on Enterprise Design Thinking engagements. They help bring real-world user outcomes to life by growing collaboration skills and finding opportunities to step up and lead.



Enterprise Design Thinking Team Essentials for AI


This badge earner has demonstrated proficiency in using Enterprise Design Thinking concepts and activities to design responsible artificial intelligence systems with intention and a focus on people.





Basic Principles of Design


This badge earner understands foundational visual design elements including emphasis and contrast, color, balance, proportion, rule of thirds, alignment and proximity cohesion through repetition, and consistency. Badge earners can use these skills as a foundation to be applied in future projects at school or at work.



Ocean Science Explorer: A Collaboration of OrcaNation and IBM


Badge earners have engaged in online ocean science education created by OrcaNation. They have an awareness of the important role that oceans play in the global environment. Earners are able to describe how human interactions affect the health of the world’s oceans, marine animals, coral reefs, and mangroves; they have foundational knowledge of marine, orca, and shark biology and ecology; and they can articulate the threats of microplastics and ghost gear to ocean environments.