Digital Credentials

Where to Find Digital Credentials

There are a few different places to find digital credentials. Here are some of the ways to explore (be sure to read the important note at the very bottom):

3. Explore badge courses

You can also explore a complete list of digital credentials by going to the “Recommendations” tab at the top of the home page, and then navigate down to “Badge courses.”



This will show you a comprehensive list of digital credentials on SkillsBuild for Students. It includes details on the amount of time that is required to complete that digital credentials, how many courses or modules are required for each badge, an image of the badge, a list of available languages, and a direct link to the digital credentials learning plan. 



4. Use the course catalog

Exploring the course catalog is another way to find digital credentials that might interest you or your students. Click on course catalog on the main page. 



Then click on”Technical skills” or “Workplace skills” to see the different topics related to each area. 



After clicking on an area that interests you, you will see a list of “Recommended badge” for that topic.


An IMPORTANT tip about finding digital credentials

It’s important to point out that the required activities related to a badge are found in that digital credentials’ learning plan.  To find that learning plan and get started earning your digital credentials, use any of the ways above to find a badge and click on it. You will be taken to a page like this with an overview about that badge. Under “Earning criteria” you will find a direct link to that. digital credentials learning plan



The overview of that learning plan will look similar to the below image. Click on “Go to this activity” to get started learning. 



This is also where you can assign the specific learning plans for a badge to your students. You can learn more about this in the section of this Teacher Toolkit under “Admin Capabilities” How to Assign Learning. 

