Learn about P-TECH’s history
The US economy will create 16 million jobs by 2024 that require post secondary degrees, though not necessarily a four-year college degree. The demand for these “new-collar” jobs continues to increase, as millions of jobs requiring only a high school diploma have disappeared. This "new-collar" phenomenon is not limited to the US, but is impacting workforce demands around the globe. P-TECH was designed to tackle these challenges.
P-TECH’s history
Young people understand the need to prepare for the workplace by acquiring skills and education, yet a high percentage do not obtain a college degree. The on-time, US national community college graduation rate is 13 percent. Graduation rates among low-income students are significantly lower.
To provide a holistic approach to education and workforce development, IBM, the New York City Department of Education, and The City University of New York designed and launched the first P-TECH school in Brooklyn, New York, in September 2011 — and the first class graduated in June 2015.
P-TECH was designed with two goals:
- Address the global “skills gap” and strengthen regional economies by building a workforce with the academic, technical and professional skills required for new-collar jobs.
- Provide underserved youth with an innovative education opportunity — with a direct pathway to college attainment and career readiness.
Following a 2014 visit by the Australian Prime Minister to P-TECH Brooklyn, Australia launched two P-TECH schools the following year: Newcomb College in Geelong and Federation College in Ballarat. Twenty-six additional countries have adopted P-TECH since then.
P-TECH has now grown to more than 300 schools with further replication underway. More than 600 large and small companies are partnering with schools across a wide range of sectors, including health IT, advanced manufacturing, and energy technology.

Former Irish Minister for Education Joe McHugh visiting P-TECH students in Dublin, and Former US President Obama visiting P-TECH students in Brooklyn, NY.