The P-TECH Model takes students on a focused journey, enabling them to graduate with a high school diploma, an industry-recognized two-year post-secondary degree, and meaningful workplace experiences within a four- to six-year timeframe. Upon graduation, students have the academic and professional skills required to enter entry-level careers in competitive STEM fields or to continue their education at a four-year post-secondary institution.
This multiyear roadmap highlights key pieces in the development of a successful P-TECH school and is intended as a general guide. The Roadmap is designed to be used in concert with the P-TECH Blueprint. Successful P-TECH schools customize and enrich activities to fit their specific needs, while still maintaining fidelity to the model.
Guidance for school districts, community colleges, and industry representatives as they plan a P-TECH school
Shared Decision-Making High School Partner Community College Partner Industry Partner(s) - Identify a visionary and talented school leader
- Create a formal Steering Committee of key decision makers from each partner to guide the school from conception to reality
- Creation of Advisory Boards (if more than one industry pathway is to be offered)
- Following development of Skills Map(s), create a Scope & Sequence that integrates high school and college classes as well as Workplace Learning experiences
- Recruitment and selection of first group of Year 1 (9th grade) students
- Recruit faculty and staff who embrace the P-TECH model
- Identify degrees that align to Industry Partners’ identified skill needs
- Hire a College Liaison to serve as the link between the high school and college
- Identify the appropriate deans and faculty who will work with the high school and industry partners
- Develop a Skills Map based on entry-level skills that employers need that informs the degree pathways and the development of the Scope & Sequence
- Hire an Industry Program Manager who will manage and implement industry commitments to the school and its students
Shared Decision-Making- Identify a visionary and talented school leader
- Create a formal Steering Committee of key decision makers from each partner to guide the school from conception to reality
- Creation of Advisory Boards (if more than one industry pathway is to be offered)
- Following development of Skills Map(s), create a Scope & Sequence that integrates high school and college classes as well as Workplace Learning experiences
High School Partner- Recruitment and selection of first group of Year 1 (9th grade) students
- Recruit faculty and staff who embrace the P-TECH model
Community College Partner- Identify degrees that align to Industry Partners’ identified skill needs
- Hire a College Liaison to serve as the link between the high school and college
- Identify the appropriate deans and faculty who will work with the high school and industry partners
Industry Partner(s)- Develop a Skills Map based on entry-level skills that employers need that informs the degree pathways and the development of the Scope & Sequence
- Hire an Industry Program Manager who will manage and implement industry commitments to the school and its students
Stakeholder guidance for implementation during the 1st year of a school’s P-TECH program
Shared Decision-Making High School Partner Community College Partner Industry Partner(s) NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY - Establish a school calendar with all stakeholders
- Review and document student data, including demographics and early performance indicators, such as attendance and high school grades
- Host a Summer Bridge program to prep incoming students
- Implement classes that embrace project-based learning, integrate the school’s career focus and Workplace Learning concepts
- Introduction of SkillsBuild for Students and digital badging
- Provide innovative teacher professional development opportunities that include project-based learning and understanding of careers that are available to students upon graduation
- Offer students early college experiences through introductory classes and/or visits and events on the college campus
- Start exposing students to potential degree pathways
- Provide students with a college ID and email address and confirm degree completion as the end goal
- Provide high school and college faculty and staff with opportunities to learn about specific industry and careers available to students upon graduation
- Implement Workplace Learning curriculum to help students understand and master skills critical for employability
- Launch a mentoring program that pairs students with industry professionals
- Host multiple worksite visits to introduce students to careers
- Invite industry speakers to school, especially those that can enlighten students on careers in their degree fields
- Review and revise Scope & Sequence, as necessary
- Recruit new cohort of incoming Year 1 students
- Recruit additional faculty and staff, as needed
- Update Skills Map, as necessary, to reflect current industry skill needs
Shared Decision-MakingNEW ACTIVITY- Establish a school calendar with all stakeholders
- Review and document student data, including demographics and early performance indicators, such as attendance and high school grades
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Steering Committee and Advisory Board meetings
- Review and revise Scope & Sequence, as necessary
High School PartnerNEW ACTIVITY- Host a Summer Bridge program to prep incoming students
- Implement classes that embrace project-based learning, integrate the school’s career focus and Workplace Learning concepts
- Introduction of SkillsBuild for Students and digital badging
- Provide innovative teacher professional development opportunities that include project-based learning and understanding of careers that are available to students upon graduation
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Recruit new cohort of incoming Year 1 students
- Recruit additional faculty and staff, as needed
Community College PartnerNEW ACTIVITY- Offer students early college experiences through introductory classes and/or visits and events on the college campus
- Start exposing students to potential degree pathways
- Provide students with a college ID and email address and confirm degree completion as the end goal
CONTINUED ACTIVITYIndustry Partner(s)NEW ACTIVITY- Provide high school and college faculty and staff with opportunities to learn about specific industry and careers available to students upon graduation
- Implement Workplace Learning curriculum to help students understand and master skills critical for employability
- Launch a mentoring program that pairs students with industry professionals
- Host multiple worksite visits to introduce students to careers
- Invite industry speakers to school, especially those that can enlighten students on careers in their degree fields
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Update Skills Map, as necessary, to reflect current industry skill needs
Stakeholder guidance during the 2nd year of a school’s P-TECH program
Shared Decision-Making High School Partner Community College Partner Industry Partner(s) NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY - Conduct a formal review of student data, both qualitative and quantitative, and determine any necessary course corrections in advance of the new school year
- Design and host planning and professional development opportunities for high school and college faculty to create seamless learning opportunities for students
- Culture building for students and staff
- Identify faculty who will teach college classes, and where these courses will take place
- Share P-TECH model overview with college faculty
- Provide college classes for Year 2 students who have demonstrated readiness, based on college requirements
- Put supports in place to ensure student success in college courses
- Implement a set of evolved Workplace Learning opportunities for Year 2 students that include curriculum, mentoring, site visits, speakers, and project days
- Steering Committee and Advisory Board meetings
- Review and revise Scope & Sequence, as necessary
- Recruit new cohort of incoming Year 1 students
- Recruit additional faculty and staff, as needed
- Host a Summer Bridge program to prep incoming students
- Introduction of SkillsBuild for Students and digital badging
- Implement classes that embrace project-based learning, and Workplace Learning concepts
- Provide innovative teacher P.D. opportunities
- Offer students early college experiences through introductory classes and/or visits and events on the college campus
- Expose students to potential degree pathways
- Provide students with a college ID and email address
- Update Skills Map, as necessary, to reflect current industry skill needs
- Implement Year 1 components for new students
- Implement Workplace Learning curriculum
- Host multiple worksite visits
- Invite industry speakers to school
- Implement a set of evolved Workplace Learning opportunities for Year 1 students
Shared Decision-MakingNEW ACTIVITY- Conduct a formal review of student data, both qualitative and quantitative, and determine any necessary course corrections in advance of the new school year
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Establish a school calendar with all stakeholders
- Steering Committee and Advisory Board meetings
- Review and revise Scope & Sequence, as necessary
High School PartnerNEW ACTIVITY- Design and host planning and professional development opportunities for high school and college faculty to create seamless learning opportunities for students
- Culture building for students and staff
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Recruit new cohort of incoming Year 1 students
- Recruit additional faculty and staff, as needed
- Host a Summer Bridge program to prep incoming students
- Introduction of SkillsBuild for Students and digital badging
- Implement classes that embrace project-based learning, and Workplace Learning concepts
- Provide innovative teacher P.D. opportunities
Community College PartnerNEW ACTIVITY- Identify faculty who will teach college classes, and where these courses will take place
- Share P-TECH model overview with college faculty
- Provide college classes for Year 2 students who have demonstrated readiness, based on college requirements
- Put supports in place to ensure student success in college courses
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Offer students early college experiences through introductory classes and/or visits and events on the college campus
- Expose students to potential degree pathways
- Provide students with a college ID and email address
Industry Partner(s)NEW ACTIVITY- Implement a set of evolved Workplace Learning opportunities for Year 2 students that include curriculum, mentoring, site visits, speakers, and project days
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Update Skills Map, as necessary, to reflect current industry skill needs
- Implement Year 1 components for new students
- Implement Workplace Learning curriculum
- Host multiple worksite visits
- Invite industry speakers to school
- Implement a set of evolved Workplace Learning opportunities for Year 1 students
Stakeholder guidance during the 3rd year of a school’s P-TECH program
Shared Decision-Making High School Partner Community College Partner Industry Partner(s) NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY - Internship skills readiness, including resume creation and interview prep
- Prepare and implement skills-based, paid internship program for students in Year 3, to launch in summer before Year 4
- Establish a school calendar with all stakeholders
- Review and revise Scope & Sequence, as necessary
- Conduct a formal review of student data
- Recruit new cohort of incoming Year 1 students
- Recruit additional faculty and staff, as necessary
- Host a Summer Bridge program to prep incoming students
- Introduction of SkillsBuild for Students and digital badging
- Implement classes that embrace project-based learning, and Workplace Learning concepts
- Provide innovative teacher P.D. opportunities
- Culture building for students and staff
- Offer students early college experiences through introductory classes and/or visits and events on the college campus
- Expose students to potential degree pathways
- Provide students with a college ID and email address
- Identify new faculty who will teach college classes
- Share P-TECH model overview with college faculty
- Provide college classes for Year 2 students who have demonstrated readiness
- Put supports in place to ensure student success in college courses
- Update Skills Map, as necessary, to reflect current industry skill needs
- Implement differentiated Workplace Learning opportunities for all students
- Implement Workplace Learning curriculum
- Manage mentoring program
- Host multiple worksite visits
- Invite industry speakers to school
Shared Decision-MakingNEW ACTIVITYCONTINUED ACTIVITY- Steering Committee and Advisory Board meetings
- Establish a school calendar with all stakeholders
- Review and revise Scope & Sequence, as necessary
- Conduct a formal review of student data
High School PartnerNEW ACTIVITY- Internship skills readiness, including resume creation and interview prep
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Recruit new cohort of incoming Year 1 students
- Recruit additional faculty and staff, as necessary
- Host a Summer Bridge program to prep incoming students
- Introduction of SkillsBuild for Students and digital badging
- Implement classes that embrace project-based learning, and Workplace Learning concepts
- Provide innovative teacher P.D. opportunities
- Culture building for students and staff
Community College PartnerNEW ACTIVITYCONTINUED ACTIVITY- Offer students early college experiences through introductory classes and/or visits and events on the college campus
- Expose students to potential degree pathways
- Provide students with a college ID and email address
- Identify new faculty who will teach college classes
- Share P-TECH model overview with college faculty
- Provide college classes for Year 2 students who have demonstrated readiness
- Put supports in place to ensure student success in college courses
Industry Partner(s)NEW ACTIVITY- Prepare and implement skills-based, paid internship program for students in Year 3, to launch in summer before Year 4
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Update Skills Map, as necessary, to reflect current industry skill needs
- Implement differentiated Workplace Learning opportunities for all students
- Implement Workplace Learning curriculum
- Manage mentoring program
- Host multiple worksite visits
- Invite industry speakers to school
Stakeholder guidance during the 4th year of a school’s P-TECH program
Shared Decision-Making High School Partner Community College Partner Industry Partner(s) NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY - Provide college guidance for students who will graduate early from the school
- Recognize students who have met high school requirements and are moving on to finish their associate degree, and also celebrate early college graduates
- Recognize graduates who have earned their associate degree and determine how to highlight them at community college graduation
- Facilitate first-in-line access to job opportunities for early graduates interested in work
- Establish a school calendar with all stakeholders
- Review and revise Scope & Sequence, as necessary
- Conduct a formal review of student data
- Recruit new cohort of incoming Year 1 students
- Recruit additional faculty and staff, as necessary
- Host a Summer Bridge program to prep incoming students
- Introduction of SkillsBuild for Students and digital badging
- Implement classes that embrace project-based learning, and Workplace Learning concepts
- Provide innovative teacher P.D. opportunities
- Culture building for students and staff
- Offer students early college experiences through introductory classes and/or visits and events on the college campus
- Expose students to potential degree pathways
- Provide students with a college ID and email address
- Identify new faculty who will teach college classes
- Share P-TECH model overview with college faculty
- Provide college classes for Year 2 students who have demonstrated readiness
- Put supports in place to ensure student success in college courses
- Update Skills Map, as necessary, to reflect current industry skill needs
- Implement differentiated Workplace Learning opportunities for all students
- Implement Workplace Learning curriculum
- Manage mentoring program
- Host multiple worksite visits
- Invite industry speakers to school
- Prepare and implement skills-based, paid internship program for students in Year 3
Shared Decision-MakingNEW ACTIVITYCONTINUED ACTIVITY- Steering Committee and Advisory Board meetings
- Establish a school calendar with all stakeholders
- Review and revise Scope & Sequence, as necessary
- Conduct a formal review of student data
High School PartnerNEW ACTIVITY- Provide college guidance for students who will graduate early from the school
- Recognize students who have met high school requirements and are moving on to finish their associate degree, and also celebrate early college graduates
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Recruit new cohort of incoming Year 1 students
- Recruit additional faculty and staff, as necessary
- Host a Summer Bridge program to prep incoming students
- Introduction of SkillsBuild for Students and digital badging
- Implement classes that embrace project-based learning, and Workplace Learning concepts
- Provide innovative teacher P.D. opportunities
- Culture building for students and staff
Community College PartnerNEW ACTIVITY- Recognize graduates who have earned their associate degree and determine how to highlight them at community college graduation
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Offer students early college experiences through introductory classes and/or visits and events on the college campus
- Expose students to potential degree pathways
- Provide students with a college ID and email address
- Identify new faculty who will teach college classes
- Share P-TECH model overview with college faculty
- Provide college classes for Year 2 students who have demonstrated readiness
- Put supports in place to ensure student success in college courses
Industry Partner(s)NEW ACTIVITY- Facilitate first-in-line access to job opportunities for early graduates interested in work
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Update Skills Map, as necessary, to reflect current industry skill needs
- Implement differentiated Workplace Learning opportunities for all students
- Implement Workplace Learning curriculum
- Manage mentoring program
- Host multiple worksite visits
- Invite industry speakers to school
- Prepare and implement skills-based, paid internship program for students in Year 3
Stakeholder guidance during the 5th year of a school’s P-TECH program
Shared Decision-Making High School Partner Community College Partner Industry Partner(s) NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY - As some students spend more time in college coursework, work in collaboration with college to ensure these students have supports from the high school
- Provide focused supports for Year 5 students, who will be spending most of their time at the college
- Establish a school calendar with all stakeholders
- Review and revise Scope & Sequence, as necessary
- Conduct a formal review of student data
- Recruit new cohort of incoming Year 1 students
- Recruit additional faculty and staff, as necessary
- Host a Summer Bridge program
- Introduction of SkillsBuild for Students and digital badging
- Implement classes that embrace project-based learning, and Workplace Learning concepts
- Provide innovative teacher P.D. opportunities
- Culture building for students and staff
- Provide college guidance for students who will graduate early from the school
- Celebrate early college graduates
- Offer students early college experiences through introductory classes and/or visits and events on the college campus
- Expose students to potential degree pathways
- Provide students with a college ID and email address
- Identify new faculty who will teach college classes
- Share P-TECH model overview with college faculty
- Provide college classes for Year 2 students who have demonstrated readiness
- Put supports in place to ensure student success in college courses
- Recognize graduates who have earned their associate degree and determine how to highlight them at community college graduation
- Update Skills Map, as necessary, to reflect current industry skill needs
- Facilitate first-in-line access to job opportunities for early graduates interested in work
- Implement differentiated Workplace Learning opportunities for all students
- Implement Workplace Learning curriculum
- Manage mentoring program
- Host multiple worksite visits
- Invite industry speakers to school
- Prepare and implement skills-based, paid internship program for students in Year 3
Shared Decision-MakingNEW ACTIVITYCONTINUED ACTIVITY- Steering Committee and Advisory Board meetings
- Establish a school calendar with all stakeholders
- Review and revise Scope & Sequence, as necessary
- Conduct a formal review of student data
High School PartnerNEW ACTIVITY- As some students spend more time in college coursework, work in collaboration with college to ensure these students have supports from the high school
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Recruit new cohort of incoming Year 1 students
- Recruit additional faculty and staff, as necessary
- Host a Summer Bridge program
- Introduction of SkillsBuild for Students and digital badging
- Implement classes that embrace project-based learning, and Workplace Learning concepts
- Provide innovative teacher P.D. opportunities
- Culture building for students and staff
- Provide college guidance for students who will graduate early from the school
- Celebrate early college graduates
Community College PartnerNEW ACTIVITY- Provide focused supports for Year 5 students, who will be spending most of their time at the college
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Offer students early college experiences through introductory classes and/or visits and events on the college campus
- Expose students to potential degree pathways
- Provide students with a college ID and email address
- Identify new faculty who will teach college classes
- Share P-TECH model overview with college faculty
- Provide college classes for Year 2 students who have demonstrated readiness
- Put supports in place to ensure student success in college courses
- Recognize graduates who have earned their associate degree and determine how to highlight them at community college graduation
Industry Partner(s)NEW ACTIVITYCONTINUED ACTIVITY- Update Skills Map, as necessary, to reflect current industry skill needs
- Facilitate first-in-line access to job opportunities for early graduates interested in work
- Implement differentiated Workplace Learning opportunities for all students
- Implement Workplace Learning curriculum
- Manage mentoring program
- Host multiple worksite visits
- Invite industry speakers to school
- Prepare and implement skills-based, paid internship program for students in Year 3
Stakeholder guidance during the 6th year of a school’s P-TECH program
Shared Decision-Making High School Partner Community College Partner Industry Partner(s) NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY NEW ACTIVITY - With the school reaching full maturity, determine how to recognize this milestone
- Establish a school calendar with all stakeholders
- Review and revise Scope & Sequence, as necessary
- Conduct a formal review of student data
- Alumni engagement
- Recruit new cohort of incoming Year 1 students
- Recruit additional faculty and staff, as necessary
- Host a Summer Bridge program prep incoming students
- Introduction of SkillsBuild for Students and digital badging
- Implement classes that embrace project-based learning, and Workplace Learning concepts
- Provide innovative teacher P.D. opportunities
- Culture building for students and staff
- Provide college guidance for students who will graduate early from the school
- Celebrate early college graduates
- Offer students early college experiences through introductory classes and/or visits and events on the college campus
- Expose students to potential degree pathways
- Provide students with a college ID and email address
- Identify new faculty who will teach college classes
- Share P-TECH model overview with college faculty
- Provide college classes for Year 2 students who have demonstrated readiness
- Put supports in place to ensure student success in college courses
- Recognize graduates who have earned their associate degree and determine how to highlight them at community college graduation
- Provide focused supports for Year 5 and Year 6 students, who will be spending most of their time at the college
- Update Skills Map, as necessary, to reflect current industry skill needs
- Implement differentiated Workplace Learning opportunities for all students
- Implement Workplace Learning curriculum
- Manage mentoring program
- Host multiple worksite visits
- Invite industry speakers to school
- Prepare and implement skills-based, paid internship program for students in Year 3
- Facilitate “first in line” for job opportunities for early graduates interested in work
Shared Decision-MakingNEW ACTIVITY- With the school reaching full maturity, determine how to recognize this milestone
CONTINUED ACTIVITY- Steering Committee and Advisory Board meetings
- Establish a school calendar with all stakeholders
- Review and revise Scope & Sequence, as necessary
- Conduct a formal review of student data
- Alumni engagement
High School PartnerNEW ACTIVITYCONTINUED ACTIVITY- Recruit new cohort of incoming Year 1 students
- Recruit additional faculty and staff, as necessary
- Host a Summer Bridge program prep incoming students
- Introduction of SkillsBuild for Students and digital badging
- Implement classes that embrace project-based learning, and Workplace Learning concepts
- Provide innovative teacher P.D. opportunities
- Culture building for students and staff
- Provide college guidance for students who will graduate early from the school
- Celebrate early college graduates
Community College PartnerNEW ACTIVITYCONTINUED ACTIVITY- Offer students early college experiences through introductory classes and/or visits and events on the college campus
- Expose students to potential degree pathways
- Provide students with a college ID and email address
- Identify new faculty who will teach college classes
- Share P-TECH model overview with college faculty
- Provide college classes for Year 2 students who have demonstrated readiness
- Put supports in place to ensure student success in college courses
- Recognize graduates who have earned their associate degree and determine how to highlight them at community college graduation
- Provide focused supports for Year 5 and Year 6 students, who will be spending most of their time at the college
Industry Partner(s)NEW ACTIVITYCONTINUED ACTIVITY- Update Skills Map, as necessary, to reflect current industry skill needs
- Implement differentiated Workplace Learning opportunities for all students
- Implement Workplace Learning curriculum
- Manage mentoring program
- Host multiple worksite visits
- Invite industry speakers to school
- Prepare and implement skills-based, paid internship program for students in Year 3
- Facilitate “first in line” for job opportunities for early graduates interested in work
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