
Get summer-job ready with five free online sessions just for you

Article by Jasmine Williams March 26, 2021

For Students

Watch these free virtual sessions designed to help you build your job-hunting skills and land that summer job or internship. Plus—if you watch all five, you can get a certificate from IBM to add to your resume.

Skill up with IBM

Let’s be honest: job hunting as a student or new grad right now is pretty tough. The pandemic’s impact on the economy has led to rising unemployment rates and fewer entry-level positions and internships. There’s also the challenge of navigating the job market remotely since interviews and networking events will likely continue to be virtual for the time being.


As a young job seeker, you’ll be up against some challenges, but your best bet is to be prepared. That’s why we’ve put together five sessions to help you build your job-hunting skills and land that summer job or internship you’ve got your eye on.


Skill Up with IBM: Get the job you want” is a free series from IBM’s Open P-TECH that covers a wide range of topics. From picking your career path to acing your interview to harnessing the power of mindfulness, these workshops will help you build a strong foundation for job searching.


Keep reading to learn more about each session!

1. Don't pick a “career”; pick a problem to solve

Tuesday, April 20th | under 30 min


These days, it’s less and less common to land an entry-level job and work your way up in the same company. Many people actually change jobs or industries multiple times throughout their career—and that’s okay! (Some would argue it’s better.)


That’s why, instead of having your sights set on one dream job or career, it can be helpful to look at work differently. In this session, you’ll learn how to gain transferable skills and get value from every professional experience by focusing on a problem you’re passionate about.


Watch the session replay.

2. Write a resume that stands out

Tuesday, April 27th | under 30 min


Ahh, the classic new grad catch-22. You need experience to get a job, and you need a job to get experience, right? Well, yes and no. You’ve likely gained a lot of skills and relevant experience through your school experience, whether it’s through your classes, extra-curricular activities, or even part-time jobs.


However, crafting a resume that showcases your value can be a little tricky, especially when you’re just starting your career. In this session, you’ll learn how to build a great resume, even if you don’t have any work experience. Plus, we’ll cover how you can get creative in ways that’ll help you show off your personality and stand out from the crowd.


Watch the session replay.

3. How to ace your interview

Tuesday, May 4th | under 30 min


There’s no way around it: interviews can be intimidating. While there are some standard interview questions that you can expect to get, you’ll never quite know what you’re going to be asked until you’re in it.


Still, there are plenty of ways to prepare for an interview so you can make a great first impression. In this session, you’ll learn the dos and don’ts of interviewing (whether it’s a group interview or 1:1, virtual or in-person). We’ll also cover tips for communicating before and after to help you leave the best impression.


Watch the session replay.

4. How to werk your network

Tuesday, May 11th | under 30 min


We know, we know—networking has kind of a bad rep. But it isn’t all awkward handshakes and swapping business cards, especially in these virtual times. Building relationships with people in careers you’re interested in can be actually pretty fun. And the best part? You probably already know a lot of people who can help you in your job search.


The key is knowing how to tap into your network. Which is exactly what we’ll cover in this session. Learn how to build your network during a pandemic, use social media communities like LinkedIn, and source those always-important references.


Watch the session replay.

5. It's not you—it's really hard to find a job right now

Tuesday, May 18th | under 30min


Things are hard right now. That’s the truth. And if you’re feeling more than a little uncertain about your future, you’re certainly not alone. Thankfully, there are some great tools and techniques that you can leverage to help you manage stress and stay motivated.


Our final session is all about building resiliency to help you keep moving forward even when things are hard. We’ll cover essential mindfulness tricks, strategies to manage stress, and resources to help you continue to sharpen valuable workplace skills.


Watch the session replay.


Right now, the best thing you can do is focus on what you can control. You can’t know what the future will hold, but you can always work on improving your skills, building your network, and learning strategies that can help you manage your mental health—so you’re in the best possible position to get the job you want. You’ve got this!